What Is CDSCO? – Process, Documents & Importance

Most medical device manufacturers want to know what is CDSCO before registration. Here comes the answer for all the curious readers to understand about CDSCO (Central Drugs Standard Control Organization) & why it is important for medical device regulation.

So let’s deep dive into CDSCO & learn about its various aspects for better knowledge of this portal.

What Is CDSCO?

CDSCO standards for Central Drugs Standard Control Organization. It is an essential regulatory organization that makes sure the medicines, medical equipment, and cosmetics are safe, effective, and high quality. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare oversees CDSCO, which was founded under the 1940 Drugs and Cosmetics Act.

As the nation’s regulatory body for the production, import, distribution, and retail sales of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and medical equipment. CDSCO plays a vital role in maintaining public health. To maintain quality standards and stop the distribution of inferior or fraudulent products, it establishes standards, grants licenses, performs inspections, and imposes laws.

What Are The Importance Of CDSCO?

According to the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, of 1940, Through this legislation, CDSCO is important because it helps:-

  • Approval of drugs
  • Conducting of clinical trials
  • Control over the quality of imported Drugs in the country
  • Laying down the standards for drugs.
  • Coordination of the activities of State Drug Control Organizations
  • Provides expert advice

Who Should Register in CDSCO?

Companies involved in the manufacturing, distribution, sale, import, or export of drugs and cosmetics in India must register with the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO). 

What Documents are Required for CDSCO?

Here are the documents required for the CDSCO:-

Purpose Of  RegistrationRoles Of Sugam Documents RequiredForms
Cosmetics RegistrationApplicants For CosmeticsPower Of Attorney, Corporate AddressProofForm 42
Formulation R&D OrganizationFormulation R&D OrganizationPower Of AttorneyForm44 & Form12
Ethics – Commities RegistrationEthics CommitteePower Of Attorney, Corporate Address ProofEthics CommitteeRegistration
Sponsors(BA/BE & CT)Sponsors(BA/BE &CT)Power Of Attorney, Corporate Address ProofForm 44 & Form12
Import of drugs/Medical Devices/TestLicenseCorporate Importer(Application in Form 8) ForeignEnterprise holding Indian SubsidiaryIndian AgentPower OfAttorney, Corporate Address Proof, and Manufacturing License or Wholesale Licenses (Form 20B & Form 21BForm 40, Form 8
BA/BE Approved Sites BA/BE Approved SitesPower Of Attorney, Corporate Address ProofForm 

Is CDSCO Mandatory?

Yes, registration with CDSCO is mandatory if you work in the manufacturing, distribution, sale, import, or export of drugs and cosmetics in India.

What is the Cost of CDSCO Registration?

The cost of the CDSCO registration varies according to different classes. If you’re applying for class A & B then prices are low as compared to class C & D. For more clear details about CDSCO contact our experts.

What is the Name of the Portal For CDSCO?

“SUGAM” is the online portal for CDSCO, look below for the benefits of Sugam Portal:-

  • Applicants can directly upload documents related to activities of submission
  • Easy query handling
  • Easy tracking of the status of submissions
  • Applicants can directly apply for all import licenses CDSCO

What Is The Role of CDSCO?

The Drugs and Cosmetics Act assigns CDSCO the following duties

Approving drugs, conducting clinical trials, setting standards for drugs, monitoring the quality of drugs imported into the nation, and coordinating the efforts of State Drug Control Organizations by offering professional advice to standardize the enforcement of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act.

Is CDSCO a Government or Private Organization?

CDSCO is a government organization under the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. It serves as the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) of India.

What Is The Difference Between CDSCO & DEGI?

The Central Drug Standard Control Opinion (CDSCO) is India’s crucial administrative body for medical devices. The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) is the key official of within a CDSCO

What Does CDSCO Regulate?

The Central Drug Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) regulates the product to guarantee its high quality, safety, and efficiency. Look below to know what CDSCO regulates.

  • Clinical Trials – To make sure they fulfill both quality and safety requirements before being marketed or used in the market, CDSCO monitors medical devices such as implants, heart monitors, and diagnostic tools.
  • Cosmetics – CDSCO is in charge of policing cosmetics, which include makeup, skincare, and hair care products, to guarantee consumer safety.
  • Imported Drugs & Devices – To guarantee that imported medications and medical equipment fulfill the same requirements as goods made in India, CDSCO controls their importation. To guarantee that the imported medications and medical equipment fulfill the same requirements as goods made in India. cdsco controls their importations.

In summary, CDSCO is essential to the protection of public health since it regulates medicines, medical equipment, and cosmetics to guarantee their efficacy, safety, and high standards.

What Are The Divisions Of CDSCO?

Under CDSCO, there are a total of 8 divisions. Let’s explore it as follows:

  1. BA/BE – B.A. stands for bioavailability, it’s a quantity of medication that is taken from a given dose. 
  2. Clinical Trials – These refer to studies that involve clients to assess medical, surgical, or interventional behavior.
  3. DTAB & DCC -The Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB) and Drugs Consultative Committee (DCC) sessions are coordinated by this division. 
  4. Cosmetics – According to the Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940, section 3(aaa), a cosmetic is anything that is applied, rubbed, sprinkled, or sprayed on the human body to beautify, enhance attractiveness, change appearance, etc. 
  5. Biologies – Medical supplies derived from natural sources are known as biological products. Certain biologics are used to treat illnesses, just like medications. 
  6. Import Registration – The policies for both import and registration are handled in this area.
  7. New Drugs – A newly developed drug is defined as anything that contains bulk drug material or is a phytopharmaceutical drug under Rule 122-E of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules. 

Which Ministry Is CDSCO Under?

The National Regulatory Authority (NRA) of India is the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), which is domiciled in the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.

Who Should Register For CDSCO?

Registration with CDSCO is required for companies and people who produce, import, distribute, or sell medicines, medical equipment, or cosmetics in India. They may lawfully operate in the healthcare sector thanks to this registration, which also guarantees adherence to regulatory norms.

What Is a CDSCO Certificate?

The CDSCO certificate is an official document issued by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) in India. It confirms that a pharmaceutical product, medical device, or cosmetic complies with regulatory standards and is safe for use. This certificate is necessary for manufacturers, importers, distributors, and sellers to market and sell their products in India legally.

Who Can Apply For CDSCO Certificate?

A CDSCO certificate can be applied for by anybody working in the pharmaceutical, medical device, or cosmetics manufacturing, importing, distributing, or selling industries in India. 

This covers testing labs and producers, importers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. The CDSCO accreditation is necessary to guarantee adherence to legal requirements and to conduct business lawfully in India’s healthcare sector.


CDSCO (Central Drugs Standard Control Organization) ensures that healthcare products in India are safe and effective. It’s governed by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and regulates medicines, medical devices, and cosmetics. 

CDSCO’s strict rules and its online portal “SUGAM” make it easier for businesses to follow regulations. Entities in healthcare must register with CDSCO to meet standards and build trust with consumers. Overall, CDSCO protects public health and boosts confidence in India’s healthcare system.


Who Is the Current CDSCO Of India?

Dr.Rajeev Singh Raghuvanshi is the current CDSCO of India.

How long is CDSCO Registration valid?

CDSCO registration is valid for five years.

What Is a Test License In CDSCO?

The Test License is needed for the examination purpose. It is an item to analyze the quality of the drug in a small quantity. It is also prohibited under section 10 of the Cosmetic and Drug Act.

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