Plastic Waste EPR Authorisation

Plastic Waste EPR Authorisation

EPR Authorisation Plastic Waste

Plastic has many uses and its physical and chemical properties lead to enormous commercial use and success. However, the indiscriminate disposal of plastics has become a major threat to the environment. Above all, plastic carry bags are the main ones.

What Is EPR?

EPR stands for Extended Producer’s Responsibility. EPR certificate is mandatory for Indian manufacturers / importers of e-waste management products. The EPR permit is granted by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) under MoEFCC, Government of India. With the permission of EPR India, the manufacturer/importer of electronic and electrical products has been given the responsibility to control the e-waste of the products after their end of life.

EPR: A Mandatory Obligation On Importers & Manufacturers

EPR refers: to the manufacturer’s obligation to manage the disposal of products once they have been declared by customers to be no longer useful. The manufacturer’s commitment is to facilitate the collection and recycling of end-of-life consumer waste.

The goal is to create a system that will take care of material collection, sorting and transportation to a waste disposal facility. Based on quality and affordability, these materials can also be used in cement kilns, pyrolysis plants, road construction and recycling centers. Waste generators, such as brand owners/manufacturers, must collect end-of-life waste generated during their operations. This duty is fulfilled by waste recyclers who have been authorized in this regard by the Central Immissions Office. This provides financial incentives for brands to build marketplaces for reusing, buying back and recycling materials. Companies can also outsource this task to a third party.

Plastic & Waste Management

Plastic has many uses, and due to its physical and chemical properties leads to huge commercial use and success. The indiscriminate disposal of plastic has, however, become a major environmental threat. In particular, plastic carrying bags are the main contributors to littered waste and, every year, millions of plastic bags end up in the atmosphere vis-à-vis the soil, water bodies, rivers, etc it takes an average of one thousand years to decompose completely. Therefore, the Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Regulations, 2011 were notified in 2011, which included plastic waste management, to tackle the problem of scientific plastic waste management. In violation of the earlier Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Regulations, 2011 the government notified the Plastic Waste Management Regulations, 2016.

EPR Policy For Plastic Waste Management

The Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate Change regularly announces various rules regarding the management of plastic waste. The most recent of these is the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, which emphasizes the polluter pays principle under the EPR mandate. EPR policy in India focuses on sustainable end of product life. It shifted the burden of waste management and sustainable use of waste from municipalities and taxpayers to the manufacturers or producers of these products. The EPR policy also encourages plastics manufacturers to design recycling in a way that results in less time spent on end-of-life waste management.

The EPR Policy under the Plastic Waste Management Rules gives a detailed understanding of EPR implementation. These EPR policies are strictly aligned with the provisions of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016.

Applicability Of EPR

Local Bodies: The local body shall be responsible for the creation and establishment of the plastic waste segregation, collection, storage, transportation, processing, and disposal system either on its own or by engaging agencies or manufacturers.

Gram Panchayat: Each gram panchayat, either alone or by engaging an agency, shall set up, operate and organise, under their control, waste management in the rural area and perform the related functions, namely:
Segregation, storage, transport, collection, plastic waste and channelling of recyclable plastic waste fractions to validly licensed recyclers; ensure no damage to the environment is done during this process
Informing all the stakeholders about their responsibility

Restricting The Open Burning Of Plastics Waste

Producers, Importer and Brand Owners: every producers, importer or brand owner within six months of the date of publication of these regulations, producers shall establish modalities for the waste collection system based on Extended Producers Responsibility and involving State Departments for Urban Development, either individually or jointly, through their own distribution channel or through the local authority concerned.


  • Manufacturer
  • Producers


  • Brand owner

Procedure Of EPR

Who Requires To Register For EPR Authorization?

As per the E waste management rules 2016 and Plastic waste management rules 02, the EPR Authorization is applicable to those entities who are producing, importing, or brand owners of electronics goods or plastic packaging. Here, Producers are the parties who initially place a product subject to EPR program standards within the applicable jurisdiction, either via domestic manufacturing or through importation.

In India, as per the recent amendment issued under the Plastics Management Rules, every importer, manufacturer or brand owner of plastic packaging comes under EPR authority. Packaging includes both a “primary package,” which refers to the physical product itself, and a “secondary package,” which refers to the container in which the product is shipped. Traders are considered producers in the Packaging Products category if they first place packaging products loaded with commodities that are normally collected as waste to final private customers on a commercial basis in the relevant local market. As a result, merchants are considered manufacturers if their products include any kind of packaging (even additional packaging for shipping to the buyer).

What Is EPR E-Waste Authorization?

According to E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 Extended Producer Responsibility means the responsibility for any producer of electrical or electronic equipment, for channelization of e-waste to ensure environmentally sound management of such waste. Extended Producer Responsibility may comprise implementing a take-back system or setting up collection centres or both.

What Is Validity And Renewal For EPR Authorization?

EPR Authorization is valid for 5 years and it can be renewed subsequently. Few documents and fees will be needed to get renewal.


The EPR certification is for Indian & foreign manufacturers or importers of electric and electronic equipment for E-Waste Management and under the EPR Authorization, you get EPR Certification. EPR certification is compulsory for almost all manufacturers and importers of electronic waste.

It is important to note that the manufacturing authorization is most cumbersome to secure as it seeks ample infrastructure and training investment. The E.P.R. certification is a legal compulsion for Indian or overseas manufacturers or importers of electronic items for E-waste management.

With the soaring increase in e-waste, G.O.I. has examined the prevailing policy options & concluded that entrusting manufacturers and importers with responsibility could be the best way to combat such a situation.

The Guidelines Of EPR Policy

There are various guidelines provided under the EPR policy in India which are needed to be followed by the producers, importers and brand owners, etc. Some guiding principles for EPR implementation are:

EPR is applicable to all producers all over the nation.
The EPR policy should be Uniform and also brand and geography neutral.
The producers, importers, and brand owners are free to follow any of the EPR Policies or adopt any of the EPR models simultaneously but except for the fee-based model.
There will be a single National Registry for registration of all the producers, importers, brand owners, recyclers, etc., to meet individual state data requirements.
There will be the development of an end-to-end digital transaction platform for EPR, which has all the producers, importers, brand owners, manufacturers etc., and the Plastic Recovery Organizations selected or listed on the policy.
The Government should own the EPR portal and digital exchange to ensure the protection and confidentiality of members’ data.
The investments in awareness campaigns and capacity buildings are not part of the EPR Compliances, and they are spent under the CSR budget, except for the fee-based model where the Government uses the funds for the purpose.
The waste management hierarchy should be maintained, i.e., Reduce, Recycle, Recover and Dispose.
The EPR Policy India should motivate keeping waste in circulation in the economy at the highest value and promote waste pickers’ working conditions and income.
The policy should minimize the trading barriers and lower the producer compliance cost for an effective and efficient national market.
The EPR Policy India for Multi-layered packaging should be higher than the normal for recyclable plastic. The producers, importers and brand owners have to pay a higher cost for EPR of such multi-layered packaging.

EPR stands for Extended Producer’s Responsibility. EPR certificate is mandatory for Indian manufacturers / importers of e-waste management products. The EPR permit is granted by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) under MoEFCC, Government of India. With the permission of EPR India, the manufacturer/importer of electronic and electrical products has been given the responsibility to control the e-waste of the products after their end of life.

EPR: A Mandatory Obligation On Importers & Manufacturers

EPR refers to the manufacturer’s obligation to manage the disposal of products once they have been declared by customers to be no longer useful. The manufacturer’s commitment is to facilitate the collection and recycling of end-of-life consumer waste.

The goal is to create a system that will take care of material collection, sorting and transportation to a waste disposal facility. Based on quality and affordability, these materials can also be used in cement kilns, pyrolysis plants, road construction and recycling centers. Waste generators, such as brand owners/manufacturers, must collect end-of-life waste generated during their operations. This duty is fulfilled by waste recyclers who have been authorized in this regard by the Central Immissions Office. This provides financial incentives for brands to build marketplaces for reusing, buying back and recycling materials. Companies can also outsource this task to a third party.

Plastic & Waste Management

Plastic has many uses, and due to its physical and chemical properties leads to huge commercial use and success. The indiscriminate disposal of plastic has, however, become a major environmental threat. In particular, plastic carrying bags are the main contributors to littered waste and, every year, millions of plastic bags end up in the atmosphere vis-à-vis the soil, water bodies, rivers, etc it takes an average of one thousand years to decompose completely. Therefore, the Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Regulations, 2011 were notified in 2011, which included plastic waste management, to tackle the problem of scientific plastic waste management. In violation of the earlier Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Regulations, 2011 the government notified the Plastic Waste Management Regulations, 2016.

EPR Policy For Plastic Waste Management

The Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate Change regularly announces various rules regarding the management of plastic waste. The most recent of these is the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, which emphasizes the polluter pays principle under the EPR mandate. EPR policy in India focuses on sustainable end of product life. It shifted the burden of waste management and sustainable use of waste from municipalities and taxpayers to the manufacturers or producers of these products. The EPR policy also encourages plastics manufacturers to design recycling in a way that results in less time spent on end-of-life waste management.

The EPR Policy under the Plastic Waste Management Rules gives a detailed understanding of EPR implementation. These EPR policies are strictly aligned with the provisions of Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016.