The Legal Metrology Department approved the model in accordance with Section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act of 2009. In India, model approval is a certificate issued to the manufacturer and importer for approving weight and measurement products under the Legal Metrology Act 2009. This certificate certifies that the product meets Indian metrological standards. Section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act requires the manufacturer or importer of the product to obtain model approval from the central government through its Department of Legal Metrology, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, located in Delhi. It is illegal to use, sell, manufacture, or import any type of weight or measure without a valid model approval.
It is important to note that any importer of weighing and measuring equipment must also obtain a dealer licence. Any importer of weighing and measuring instruments may be able to import such weight and measurement items into India without the need for a dealer licence, but selling such weight and measurement items will almost certainly necessitate a dealer licence.
Any manufacturer or importer seeking Model Approval can consult ELT Consultants of Legal Metrology for an accurate and timely process.
The Legal Metrology Act, 2009 specifies the procedure and all aspects of model approval that must be obtained by the manufacturer or importer when dealing with Indian legal metrology. Section 22 of the Act states that “every person shall seek the approval of a model of such weight or measure from the Legal Metrology Department, Central Government, Delhi before manufacturing or importing any kind of weight or measure.” The applicant must pay the prescribed fee as described by the concerned authority in order for the model of weight and measure to be approved.
If the prescribed authority is satisfied that the model of weight or measure provided in any country outside India conforms to standards established by or under the act of legal metrology, he may approve such model without any test or after the test if he deems fit, which means that if the model approval, in any case, is approved outside India under the act of legal metrology, the respective authority does not need to require any kind of test. However, it is only an option available to the authority; if the authority believes that the weight and measure tests should still be conducted, the authority can do so.
The applicant will only be granted model approval if the product meets Indian metrology standards.
The standard application procedure, however, includes the following steps:
To obtain model approval, the Legal Metrology of India has provided two methods based on two factors. The first question is whether the applicant is an importer or a manufacturer. The following is the procedure for obtaining model approval in India:
TIf the applicant for model approval is a manufacturer, the product must be tested by the Directorate General of the Legal Metrology Department of India.
The following are the steps for the manufacturer to take in order to obtain model approval in India:
If the applicant for model approval is an importer, then testing of the product is not required, and the process that the importer must follow is as follows:
Complete the application form
If the applicant is an importer, he must provide a declaration stating that the product was not altered prior to its sale in India.
The manufacturer or importer must meet the regulatory requirements of the legal metrology department, according to the Rules and Regulations of the legal metrology model approval. Only after proper compliance with the act will the applicant be granted permission to trade in the Indian market.
Under Legal Metrology, there are two methods for model approval of measure and weight. The approval comes from the Legal Metrology Department of the Central Government of Delhi. Any manufacturer or importer can obtain model approval in two ways, as described above. Anyone who is a manufacturer or an importer importing any kind of prepackaged commodity from anywhere outside India must obtain model approval from the Central Government. If the weight or measure has already been approved outside the country under the same act of Legal Metrology, then the authorised authority may want to test the model; otherwise, if the authorised authority deems fit, the tests of the model are not required.
There are two types of model approval, which describe the proper procedure under the act with the specified fees given under the act of legal metrology Rules, 2009 and the prescribed manner of the test that the central government must perform. If you want to deal with Legal Metrology commodities in the Indian market, you must obtain model approval from the authorised authority. If you need assistance, none other than the group of ELT Consultant of Legal Metrology can help you out.
ELT Corporate Private Limited is a legal consulting firm specializing in medical device regulations. We offer services related to Medical Device Rules 2017, including documentation preparation and guidance on scientific, legal, and technical requirements.