E-Wastе EPR Authorisation

EPR Registration For E-Waste

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EPR Registration For E-Waste

You are at the right place if you want to know what EPR Registration for E-Waste is; keep diving with us to learn about EPR (Extended Producers Responsibilities). You are at the right place. Here, you can get a chance to learn so much in less than five minutes. Extended Producer’s Responsibility, in simple terms, can be known as a governmental policy that keeps producers or manufacturers responsible for life. Now you know something about EPR, you can step up your reading speed and go on with the information described below.

What Is EPR?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in India mandates that manufacturers and importers of electronic and electrical products obtain a certificate from the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). This certificate holds them accountable for managing the e-waste generated by their products after their lifecycle ends. EPR promotes sustainable practices by encouraging innovative product design and fostering a circular economy approach to reduce environmental impact and support local recycling efforts. It reflects a commitment to environmental stewardship and aligns with India’s goals of sustainable development.

What Is Meant By EPR Authorization?

EPR authorization is the responsibility provided to manufacturers/importers for the environmentally friendly disposal/recycling of waste after the customer according to the rules for the management of plastic waste 2016. In the term EPR authorization, the word EPR means Extended producer responsibility, it is an ecological and economic approach for product life cycle management. It includes prevention, cleaning and recycling. There are mainly three types of permits, namely production permit, import permit and wholesale permit. Of these, obtaining a manufacturing permit is the most difficult, as it requires large investments in infrastructure and training.

It encompasses prevention, proper disposal & systematic recycling. Primarily there are three categories of authorization, viz

  • Import authorization
  • Manufacturing authorization
  • Wholesale authorization

EPR Certification

The EPR certification is for Indian & foreign manufacturers or importers of electric and electronic equipment for E-Waste Management and under the EPR Authorization, you get EPR Certification. EPR certification is compulsory for almost all manufacturers and importers of electronic waste.It is important to note that the manufacturing authorization is most cumbersome to secure as it seeks ample infrastructure and training investment. The E.P.R. certification is a legal compulsion for Indian or overseas manufacturers or importers of electronic items for E-waste management.With the soaring increase in e-waste, G.O.I. has examined the prevailing policy options & concluded that entrusting manufacturers and importers with responsibility could be the best way to combat such a situation.

In general, Extended Producer Responsibility refers to a policy-based approach under which manufacturers are vested with responsibility for seamless treatment or disposal of post-consumer products.It is important to note that the manufacturing authorization is most cumbersome to secure as it seeks ample infrastructure and training investment. The E.P.R. certification is a legal compulsion for Indian or overseas manufacturers or importers of electronic items for E-waste management. With the soaring increase in e-waste, G.O.I. has examined the prevailing policy options & concluded that entrusting manufacturers and importers with responsibility could be the best way to combat such a  situation.In general, Extended Producer Responsibility refers to a policy-based approach under which manufacturers are vested with responsibility for seamless treatment or disposal of post-consumer products.

EPR Policy Focus Point

EPR Policy India is mainly focusing on these two points:

  • Shifting of responsibility towards the producer from the municipalities.
  • The incentives the producers are taking into consideration while designing the product.


EPR Policies



Producer Responsibility

The policy emphasizes that producers are accountable for managing the entire lifecycle of their products, including recycling and disposal.


Resource Efficiency

Promotes efficient use of resources by encouraging producers to design products that are easier to recycle and minimize waste generation.


Environmental Impact

Aims to reduce the environmental footprint of products by ensuring proper disposal of hazardous materials and promoting eco-friendly manufacturing processes.


Cost Internalization

Shifts the financial burden of waste management from taxpayers to producers, encouraging them to consider the end-of-life costs of their products.


Circular Economy

Supports the transition towards a circular economy where materials are reused, recycled, or recovered, reducing reliance on virgin resources.


Compliance and Enforcement

Ensures that producers comply with regulations through monitoring and enforcement measures, maintaining fairness and accountability.


Public Awareness

Raises awareness among consumers about responsible consumption and disposal practices, fostering a culture of sustainability.


Innovation and Research

Encourages innovation in product design and recycling technologies to improve efficiency and effectiveness of recycling processes.


Stakeholder Collaboration

Promotes collaboration among stakeholders including producers, consumers, government agencies, and recycling facilities to achieve sustainable waste management goals.


Continuous Improvement

Aims for continuous improvement through periodic review and adaptation of policies based on technological advancements and environmental considerations.


EPR Policy in India

EPR Policy in India is an initiative to bring all the producers/brand owners; waste generators; manufacturers; waste management companies or start-ups;Pollution Control Boards; Recyclers; etc., to act on wastes by making sure the collection, processing and sustainable disposal to bring in the rules and regulations set by the Government for waste management. It is an approach to sustainably handling the waste by extending the responsibilities of the producer to post customer stage of their product’s life.

EPR Policy India focuses on Plastic waste and e-waste. The Plastic and E-waste Management Rules of 2016 have given the complete guidelines to be followed for a sustainable approach to waste management through EPR.

India's EPR Policy Focus on E-Waste Management

EPR Policy in India is an initiative to bring all the producers/brand owners; waste generators; manufacturers; waste management companies or start-ups;Pollution Control Boards; Recyclers; etc., to act on wastes by making sure the collection, processing and sustainable disposal to bring in the rules and regulations set by the Government for waste management. It is an approach to sustainably handling the waste by extending the responsibilities of the producer to post customer stage of their product’s life.

EPR Policy India focuses on Plastic waste and e-waste. The Plastic and E-waste Management EPR Rules of 2016 have given the complete guidelines to be followed for a sustainable approach to waste management through EPR

Who Is The Governing Body For EPR?


CPCB is the authority governing EPR in india.The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India is a statutory organization under the Ministry of Environment , Forest and Climate Change (Mo.E.F.C.C.). It was established in 1974 under the Water (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act, 1974. The CPCB is also entrusted with the powers and functions under theAir (Prevention & Control) Act. It serves as a field formation and also provides technical services to the Ministry of Environment and Forests under the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. It Co-ordinates the activities of the State Pollution Control Boards by providing technical assistance and guidance and also resolves disputes among them.

Categories Of Electrical And Electronic Equipment Namely:-

Mandatory Product List

Categories of Electric or Electronic Equipment Electric or Electronic Equipment Code
Centralizesd Data Processing: Mainframes , Mini Frames
Personal Computers
Laptop Computers
Notebook Computers
Notepad Computers
Printers Comprising Cartridges
Copying Equipments
Electric and Electronic Typewriters
User Terminals and Systems
Pay Telephones
Cordless Telephones
Cellular Telephones
Answering Systems

Consumer Electric and Electronics

Television Sets Including Sets Based On LED and LCD Technology
Washing Machine
Air Conditioners excluding Air Conditioner Plants
Fluorescent and Other Mercury Containing Lamps

E-Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011, were promulgated by the government in 2011 & had come into play since 1st May 2012. To ensure seamless implementation of E-based waste rules & clearly describe the duties of producers in E.P.R., MoEF & CC, G.O.I. in the purview of E-Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011, has unveiled the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 vide G.S.R. 338(E) dated 23.03.2016 which came into effect on 01-10-2016

These rules encompass every manufacturer, consumer, accumulation facility, dismantler, & Recycler engaged with the manufacturing, trading, and processing of electronic goods cited in schedule – I of these Rules.

The E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 mandate the Central Pollution Control Board i.e. CPCB which entails specific norms related to EPR, channelization, accumulation facilities, storage, transportation, eco-friendly recycling, refurbishment, & sampling of EEE for testing of RoHS guidelines.

What Does EPR Plan Seeks to?

Pinpoint estimation of E-waste quantity generated from the consumer’s endThe outline scheme for systematic accumulation & channelization of e-waste with the same E.E.E. code to authorised recyclers.

Objectives of EPR Policy [Extended Producer Responsibiity]

The objectives of EPR Policy India under the Plastic Waste Management Rules are as follows:

Benefits of Obtaining EPR Certificate

To the benefits of obtaining EPR Certificate please look below:-
1. Regulatory Compliance:

  • An EPR certificate ensures your business complies with the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016, helping you avoid legal penalties and fines.

2. Environmental Responsibility:

  • Demonstrates your commitment to environmental sustainability by managing the end-of-life disposal of electronic products responsibly.

3. Enhanced Brand Image:

  • Shows your company’s dedication to sustainable practices, which can enhance your brand image and appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

4. Market Access:

  • EPR certification can be a prerequisite for entering certain markets or participating in government tenders, expanding your business opportunities.

5. Competitive Advantage:

  • Differentiates your company from competitors who may not have EPR certification, making your products more attractive to environmentally aware customers.

6. Resource Efficiency:

  • Encourages the recycling and reuse of materials, leading to more efficient resource utilization and potentially reducing manufacturing costs.

7. Consumer Trust:

  • Builds consumer trust and loyalty by showing a commitment to reducing electronic waste and minimizing environmental impact.

8. Contribution to Circular Economy:

  • Supports the development of a circular economy by ensuring that electronic products are recycled and reused, reducing the strain on natural resources.

9. Long-term Sustainability:

  • Promotes long-term sustainability by fostering better waste management practices and reducing the environmental footprint of electronic products.

How to Apply for EPR Authorization?

Applying for EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) registration typically involves a process that varies by country or region, as EPR regulations are implemented differently worldwide. However, I can provide a general outline of steps you might need to take:

  1. Understand EPR Requirements: Familiarize yourself with the EPR regulations applicable to your industry or product category. These regulations specify which products or sectors require EPR registration and compliance.

  2. Identify the Regulatory Authority: Determine the government agency or regulatory body responsible for overseeing EPR in your region. This could be a ministry of environment, a specialized agency, or a regulatory authority.

  3. Preparation of Documentation: Gather all necessary documentation and information required for the registration process. This typically includes:

    • Company details (name, address, contact information)
    • Description of your products covered under EPR
    • Manufacturing or importing details (quantities, processes)
    • Compliance plan outlining how you will meet EPR obligations
  4. Application Submission: Submit your application for EPR registration to the designated regulatory authority. This may involve filling out specific forms provided by the authority and attaching the required documentation.

  5. Review and Approval: The regulatory authority will review your application and supporting documents. They may conduct inspections or request additional information as part of the review process.

  6. Compliance and Reporting: Once approved, you will need to comply with the EPR regulations, which may include:

    • Reporting on the quantities of products placed on the market
    • Implementing collection, recycling, or disposal programs
    • Paying any required fees or contributions
  7. Renewal and Monitoring: EPR registrations are typically valid for a specific period (e.g., annually or biennially). Ensure you renew your registration on time and continue to comply with ongoing reporting and operational requirements.

  8. Seek Professional Assistance if Needed: Depending on the complexity of the EPR requirements in your region, you may consider seeking assistance from consultants or legal experts specializing in environmental regulations.

Key Documents Required For The EPR Authorization

Under the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016, the CPCB Requires License Holders to

  • The producer must stay in line with the approved EPR plan.
  • The accumulation methodology or mechanism should be set up in accordance with the approved EPR plan.
  • Documentation for e-waste channelization should be maintained by the producer. Note: Recyclers are also liable to follow this condition.
  • Producers are obligated to maintain records, in form 2 of these rules, of electronic waste and present such records before CPCB during the inspection.
  • Producers must file yearly return in the prescribed form, viz; form 3 to the CPCB on or before 30th June following the F.Y. to which that returns relates.
  • Registration holders should maintain technical documentation on RoHS for the purpose of inspection.
  • Launch of new products seek the prior intimation to the concerned authority via Enclosure A.
  • The inclusion of RoHS information on the brochure or booklet of the products is a legal mandate.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Electronic Products contain thousands of metals. Some of them are precious, like gold and silver, while others are highly toxic heavy metals like lead, mercury and cadmium. The informal sector in India handles over 95% of all e-waste.

Indeed, BIS registration is one of the fundamental documents required for filing forms related to E.P.R. authorization.

The validity of the EPR Certificate authorization for E-Waste is five years, and it also can be extended.

For manufacturers and importers, it is mandatory to procure the EPR certificate to keep E-waste under control. However, if manufacturers or importers fail to acquire the same, they won’t be able to operate in India. Along with this, manufacturers or importers have to face debarment, fine, or both.